Redesign Your Smile with Tooth Crown in Auckland Service

 Dental crowns or caps are a common treatment widely used for rebuilding broken teeth or teeth that have been heavily filled and are at a high risk of breaking or cracking. A dental crown reinforces a weekend tooth by holding together the remaining tooth structure.

Living with an injured, fragile, or broken tooth can be inconveniently at best and painful at worst. When it comes to tooth crown service in Auckland, always contact PonsonBy Dental Boutique as we make use of advanced techniques and materials to make a real difference. With skill, experience and commitment, we work the best to redesign your smile.

Today a tooth that has been weakened by damage or decay can be restored to its former integrity with an innovative dental crown, a sturdy restoration designed to enhance function as much as aesthetics.If your tooth needs a little extra support, our skilled dental team can place a custom-made dental crown to protect your tooth and resolve pain, sensitivity or reduced biting ability.

About Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a ceramic or porcelain cap that is custom-designed to cover the top of your tooth for additional support and reinforcement. Crowns are often used when a cavity is too large for a filling. Its other uses are to strengthen a damaged tooth, restore a tooth that is worn down or has suffered extensively decay, protect a tooth after a root canal, anchor a dental bridge, and cover a dental implant.


Usually crowns are utilized in many different restorative dental treatments and play an important part in achieving a healthy, well-functioning smile. Dental facets Auckland make use of aesthetic crowns which are custom-made to match the exact color, shade and proportions of your teeth for a beautiful result that blends in with your smile.


It is true that the best material used to fabricate your dental crown will completely depend on the location of your tooth and your specific needs. The types of crowns available today for use include:

Zirconia – Made up of ceramic steel, zirconia crowns are widely renowned for their strength and durability. They usually resist corrosion and can even shield your teeth against sensitivity caused by hot and cold foods. Due to their longevity, zirconia crowns can be an ideal solution to restore the back molar teeth.

Composite – Dental crowns made of composite resin are tooth-colored, allowing them to appear indistinguishably among your surrounding teeth. Composite crowns are enduring and usually they are not as strong as porcelain or ceramic restorations.

Porcelain – This crown option provide an alluring match to your natural tooth color and offer a more enduring option in comparison to composite resin. This crown option is simply the best for those who have a metal allergy.

As you do not know which crown option will suit you, tooth crown in Auckland dentist suggest an inlay or onlay to support your tooth rather than a dental crown. These restoration option can definitely change the entire tooth structure. As far as the cost of a crown is concerned, it completely depends on the location. Front teeth with high cosmetic demands cost little more than other teeth. If multiple crowns are needed then a bulk discount are given to the clients.


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